Do you carry phone numbers?

Yea, I've been thinking about having a few key numbers tattooed to my eyelids (no, silly, not on the inside) so if I am found unconscious (hopefully, with my eyes closed), the person finding me will know who to call. Brilliant, right?
Yea, I've been thinking about having a few key numbers tattooed to my eyelids (no, silly, not on the inside) so if I am found unconscious (hopefully, with my eyes closed), the person finding me will know who to call. Brilliant, right?
Call in an emergency? Pffft... if I can't handle it, trust me, there isn't anyone I could call that could. :cool2:

OK, I just wanted to type that out to see how it sounded. About as idiotic as it did in my head. :lol:
No I don't carry numbers around. I also don't carry dimes for a pay phone either.
In the 50's my home phone was only 3467 that's all and I still remember it well. It's been tough ever since to remember all the numbers (and passwords) !
Ours was 3346 and still had operators to make connections. Greyhound Bus Station was 346. We got lots of erroneous calls from people checking schedules. Since I was then an 11 yr old prankster, there was a lot of misinformation given out.
Yes. I hate cell phones. Don't have one don't want one. Still remember my childhood phone number
ME4-2509 ME stands for melrose

Dang! You too? I thought I was the only one left that doesn't carry one of those danged things......but my wife has been tryin' awful hard to get me to carry one. :frusty:
A few years ago we got a message on our tv that "the whitehouse has determined there is a definite danger of a terrorist....." Then ALL channels would switch to an Atlanta network. We couldn't get anything else. We turned on the radio and it was still working normal. We called channel five and told them what was going on. They were not aware of it. They sent out a crew and interviewed us. The explanation given later was that a disc jockey in Tennessee mistakenly hit the wrong button and the whole south was getting the same message. This was government takeover of the ATT cable network. I still think it was a test of their ability to take over what we can hear and see on tv. If we lose tv and radio, how will we know what is happening? The cell phone is very important!! Everyone should have one IMO.
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