Most here know this, but some might need to hear it again for the holidays. Do not finance anything this Christmas no matter what, no matter the good intentions. You being here on this planet is enough for the ones that truly care about you. Just don't do it and fall into the consumer trap. Look out for your own well being and that's what the good people in your life want for you.
Only 596 hrs on it, mostly used for tinkering.

I’d be running newer MF tractors if their dealers were more conveniently located (to me).
Yea that and the price is why I didn't buy one. You must have a big place to maintain. I do have a lot to maintain, just not that much at home. At the time I bought mine, New Holland had the best overall deal going. Mine is just a little 30hp 4x4 budget compact tractor, but I manage to do a good bit with it. Even my Dad's MF is only 36HP. I think it's a 230 if I remember right. I don't even think the stickers are still on it. It's a 1981 model. Those machines you have should last a lifetime, you could pass them down to the kids and they'd still be a good machine
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