Doomsday Preppers


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ODT Junkie!
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May 8, 2011
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Any of yall watch this show yet? Whats your thought on the different peoples plans? The first couple it showed has 50,000lbs of food in storage! thats amazing! Enough food to feed 22 people for 15 years. WOW.
Haven't seen it yet, hope it portrays the positive side of prepping and not the crazy redneck side.
There seems to be a stigma associated with being self sufficient and self reliant these days.

If you aren't prepping, then when the SHTF, you will be on your knees with your empty hands skyward hoping you catch that last loaf of Government bread.
Not on my watch.
I watched one episode and it was really VERY good. It spotlighted 2 or 3 families who had serious prep going on. The one family was growing food, storing and learning as a family. Then they had an "expert" critique and offer suggestions for improving. Then they went to another group of 2 families with a large tract of land in the country and did the same. The show was serious, dignified and non-sensationalist. In part it makes you admire the people who are prepping and in part it made me feel inadequate next to them. Well worth watching.
Any of yall watch this show yet? Whats your thought on the different peoples plans? The first couple it showed has 50,000lbs of food in storage! thats amazing! Enough food to feed 22 people for 15 years. WOW.

Some might consider them a good "resupply center".
watched a couple of episodes on demand today. pretty good

i really liked the setup the guy had where he converted is in ground pool into a chicken coup, fish pond, and garden and it was pretty self sufficient. would suck only eating fish every day though (they have to so the population is controlled)
Watched it tonight. I loved the liberal couple in Maine who refused to have firearms for defense. They felt their strong, close knit community would take care of one another. Yeah, keep on believing that ......
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