Eastmans Gun Show in Savannah March 22-23

sometimes there is a good reason to go to a show like Eastmans. When shopping for, let's say, a small 9mm pistol you can go to a large show and find every manufacture and hold and perhaps try trigger pull, etc. This way you can look at all the ones in the category you are considering. That is hard to do at most LGS due to the fact that they do not carry the whole spectrum. Another reason is a good laugh, I mean when you go and see a brick of .22 for $75 I crack up and loud so the seller can hear me. There are some bargains if you look, last Eastman show I went to I got an Magpul AFG2 for $15, a fiber optic shotgun sight for $4, a Magpul VFG in FDE for $10. And there is always the people walking around selling personal firearms to consider. But if you are going to find a deal on ammo or a deal on a firearm fugetaboutit.
If it ain't Eastman, I may wander over to the show in Hinesville - for no other reason than to see folks I may know and have traded with...
I can't recall the time of year, but the Alee Temple puts one on as well every year.

I know they put on one hell of a Poker Run every year but did not know that they sponsored a Gun Show too, Cool.

Here is more information on the Show in Hinesville. It's a GunRunners Show so, it will probably be not much different than an eastman show but, I will check it out anyway since it's only 20 minutes up the road from my home. As NGIB Said, at least I might get a chance to put a face to the names of our local ODT Traders. I mean South East Georgia Area, LOL

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Don't waste your $10.00 at this show in Hinesville. Same as most, bargains hard to find, overpriced ammo flipping, overpriced non original Wheel Guns, and plain waste of time. Then again, I am learning to not like gun shows much anymore.
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