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Flat Earth

Okay, so let's for one second forget the apparent impossibility for anyone to perceive a curved horizon. We'll just toss it out the proverbial window along with the fact that everyone else seems to have no problem visually processing the curvature of the Earth. We can, for the purposes of this discussion, replace that evidence with the honorable, and academically respected "FlyerTalk" forum screenshot...

Now... I would like to ask which of those pilots every reached the horizon. They fly, up in the air for sometimes 10 hours flying at 500 mph (5000 miles) Now I know that even from a height of 35000 feet a pilot cannot see from Atlanta to California (20% less distance)... So When do they reach the horizon? When do they get there and say I've made it to the horizon, look beyond it, and see nothing?
exactly.... the horizon is an imaginary point of reference in the "curvature" of the earth as any one in the air or on a ship will tell you...from any point to the horizon the north star is the only stationary reference..
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