Found a armadillo in the back yard.

I saw one dead on the side of the road on GA 20 in between mall of ga and Gwinnett braves stadium
last sunday morning..

good size..maybe 12-15 pounds..
I saw one that had just been run over about 6 years ago that would’ve probably weighed 25 lbs or more, it was freakin huge!

Ps: That was in the NW part of Coweta County.
We have an abundance of them here in Oklahoma. Almost as bad as feral hogs. Everyone shoots them on site. They dig deep holes in hay fields, yards and pastures. There is an annual Armadillo Hunt here every year that pays big dollars for the most killed, the largest, the smallest and longest tail. The spring hunt this year had over 1,200 checked in during the 2 day event.
Back in the early 90s I took a dead one with me to a pheasant hunt around Colby Kansas. Armadillos hadn’t made it that far north yet. I threw it out on Main Street in front of the CooP. The next day at the local dinner I overheard 4 overall wearing old timers talking about it. One of them said “I tell ya the truth, that Henderson fella said it was a diller”. One of them replied “shut the hell up Dave, there ain’t no dillers this far north and they won’t ever be”. We laughed all the way back to Oklahoma.

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Any armadillo found in my yard will be in my yard the next day but it will be dead, these suckers have Trench my yard which look like a tiller trench it zig zag all the way across, they are looking for a grub worms
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