Glock 1911! Lets here it...

not pretty much... they all DO look the same. They are the same. I know it works and all but christ, mix it up a bit. A man likes variety. HK , sig, smith and wesson ETC they all have other models. Glock just cuts a chunk off and calls it a glock 19.

Why mess with Perfection©? :pop2:
bleh. you dont have to mess with anything. Come up with something else. Its not like you dont have R&D money. Do it.

I hear you, man.....but if I'm sitting on guaranteed income with how many million LE agencies throughout the world, it's hard to argue with "sit back and let the money come in."
The ONLY thing I would love to see Glock do is a single stack subcompact 9, 40, 357sig. I'd be all over it. I wouldn't even care if it looked identical just thinner. Other than that why change the best :p.
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