Guided Whitetail Hunts.


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Look a Man Straight in His Hairy Eyeball!
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Feb 2, 2011
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I am retiring in August of this year. I am contemplating a guided deer hunt in either Kentucky, Illinois, or Alabama . Anyone have any references or recomendation? Also is anyone interested in going? You would have to have a sense of humor, thick skin, and a passion for chasing pine goats. If I have to i will go by myself but would much rather go with a fellow hunter or two. Any input on references of outfitters is much appreciated. Google searches are sometimes hard to decipher who is a class outfitter....even with reviews listed to bolster their ratings. I have been blessed through the years to take some nice bucks but my biggest is a 130 8 pt so....I am still Stuckon8! Hoping to change that this next Then I can be Stuckon10 or Stuckon12+.
The sky is the limit,according to your pocketbook,when you go to 150 plus it gets expensive.are you wanting guided,free range,high fence just a few to think about there is some no kill no pay that are pretty much gauranteed kills.i would not rule out Texas
Honestly I would be pleased with a 140-150 free range. The monstrosities that cost 8000 and have been genetically engineered are not appealing to me even though I admire the enormity of them.
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