Ham Radio Operators

Have been researching communication ideas lately, and i'm interested to find out the basics of starting in Ham Radios. Just looking for a link or good starting point for my research. Most importantly start up prices, and how to start getting my licensing. Any Help would be appreciated.

I am in the same boat with you!
For those looking for info, there are lots of great videos on YouTube. Also, if you have a local radio club they can get you started right.

Once you learn a little you can take practice tests under the resources tab at qrz.com
I decided to go to Dalton Saturday and take my General and Extra tests. I started out with Novice license in 1958 and updated to Technician about 20 years ago. I don't know why I have waited so long to upgrade as I have taught classes to prospective hams for many years and know the material.
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