help my son is addicted

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Grow some balls and stand up to your son! There is a lot you can do. He is 20 and living under your roof! Obviously he does not have a job or in school. WHY NOT???? Pull that silver spoon out of his mouth.
Grab a $20 home drug test & surprise him! Explain you're kidding, it's a great ice breaker cause nothing else could be that uncomfortable.
But you should talk to him about it.
You're enabling him to continue this behavior. Just stop. Busy him with abundant Dad time.
20 years old is a critical time in a young man's life.
Does he have trouble relating to people in the real world?

There is nothing wrong with gaming and I know lots of people who turn on the console the minute the get home from work. You need to make sure, however, he still lives in the real world.

If you feel froggy, pack his **** and call your local recruiter. Tell him "you don't have to join The Army but you can't stay here."
sounds like he has no job and lives at home. Why? tell him to get a job or put him out.

He is working on it he is job hunting as well, this is sort of a "tongue and cheek" post..

But I tell it is tough for a 20 something to find a good job that will pay the bills enough to live on his own and fast food or retail won't do it. I am 51 and it's not like it was when I was 20..
He really knows he way around computers and is mostly self taught he wants a job in the tech field so he is working on getting the proper certifications. No one will hire your if you know stuff they want to see that you know stuff on paper..

I also have to add he is starting college in the spring and is not a total loser...

Does he have trouble relating to people in the real world?

There is nothing wrong with gaming and I know lots of people who turn on the console the minute the get home from work. You need to make sure, however, he still lives in the real world.

If you feel froggy, pack his **** and call your local recruiter. Tell him "you don't have to join The Army but you can't stay here."
Now that is some of the best advice for any parent in a similar situation....

But anyone who thinks they can blowup at your kid or threaten him or kick him out of the house, they will just push back [trust me we have tried the yelling the screaming and taking stuff away in the past], nothing good will happen either way.

We have two other boys one just turned 20 and is at GA southern the other still in high school.. This one will be fine like I said college in the spring and we are on the right track

how many of you offering your parental advice have kids or I should say teenagers?
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Any job is better than NO job!! Make him go back to school so he can get some certifications. Its not doing him no good sitting at home all day playing games.
My kids know I'll always have a bed for them, but, if they're not in school full time, then they're paying half the rent and utilities. That or go make it on your own.
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