• ODT Gun Show this Saturday! - Click here for info and tickets!

Hey old guyz. Tell us a story from the old days ;)

We had a knee high (Nehi) tan dog named Sandy.
Olden days when a dog could run loose, holler her
name and a few mins later she'd show up, usually
running wfo. Got along great with E1 except a guy
from the neighborhood named Glenn (the guy, not
the 'hood). She'd chase him to the street barking
all the way. Didn't pursue him any further, long as
he got passed the curb he was safe. Figured she
sensed something or didn't like the soap he used.
Subjects are wide open.

:pop2: :heh:
When I was 15 I got my first job at the beach on Long Island. I would petal my bike a mile an chain it to a stop sign then walk about 200 yards to the bridge entrance an hitch hike over the bridge to the beach for
3 dollars an hour an do it again after work.an no one ever stole my bike.

My folks were too cheap for tv guide. So we had to look up the lineup in the local paper. Of course, wasn't a lot to look up when you only had 3 channels and the Superstation.
Back in 1986 I was going to Navy "A" school at Corry Station Pensacola FL when a bunch of us decided one night to dress in togas and head to McGuires Irish Pub https://www.mcguiresirishpub.com . 1 girl and 6 guys in togas walked in and everyone for some reason thought we were all pilots. We had a blast! People around us buying pitchers of beer for us as my drunk friends hopped up on tables doing table dances. We had brought a beer bong with us as well. They served us a drink called an Irish Wake. It was green in a huge glass with a garter. The beer and the Irish Wakes went in the bong. One of the waitresses came over laughing and smiling asking us to keep it down while people were eating dinner and in the same breath tells me she wished she wasn't working because she wanted to join us. The entire place was packed and everyone was having a great time. Then came the singing, as the guy on stage played Irish drinking songs and we all sang a rendition of "The Unicorn Song". During a clapping song, if you were left clapping after everyone else had stopped then you had to get on stage and kiss the moose head. One guy that was with us was too drunk and the only one left clapping so the whole place erupts "KISS THE MOOSE!". This guy runs up on stage, jumps up and grabs the antlers while wrapping his legs around its neck and lip locking that moose. Most of us were blind drunk and I drove my friends SS Monte Carlo back to the base as I was the most sober. Good times! My dollar is probably still hanging on the wall there.
I was sick w/ fever on my 16th birthday, When mom got home from work
she asked if I still wanted to go take my driving test for my license. (duh)
Took the test in our 3 on the tree Ford. Instructor has me driving block to
block w/ stop signs. First, second, stop. Signal, first , second, stop. He
asked me "does this car have a 3rd gear?" After my "sure" he said "well
let's see it." I dropped it into 3rd gear,let the clutch out and due to low speed
the car started bucking and carrying on until I slid it back into 2nd. I said
"well that was 3rd" to which he replied "just wanted to make sure you knew
where it was".
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