I love my Ranger boat but..................................

Boat-(noun). "a hole in the water where one pours their money"
...boat = break out another thousand!
I went for a stretch for a while where I would get a boat and sell it a year later. Then I would start missing fishing. I finally realized I am going to always want to go fishing so I decided to get a new boat and keep this one until I die. It is not to much to ask that it be perfect I don't think. Luckily mechanically and structurally it is perfect. Just one small cosmetic detail in the seat is driving me nuts.
Bought a Ranger Angler 1880 last year and I've some picky **** like your seat on mine also. I told the dealer where I bought it that they started building them in the tracker plant.But you can bet your tale that everything will be fixed on mine before my warrenty expires. You know Johnny Morris,if he can get it made over sea's he will. Just like all that other cheap **** that he sells in his stores.
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