I suck at call of duty.

Guys, I just wanted to share with you a Local Yocal on YouTube. His username is StoneMountain64 and he is one of the best players around. I have attached a video and you can look at his other videos.

This is actually him talking, not the video game! He is the COMMANDING OFFICER!

ENJOY :very_drunk:

That's pretty damned good playing.
There's a few games I've stuck to over the years, but it always ticks me off when companies take a good single-player game and spend time and effort making it multi-player rather than fix/improve the single-player experience.

Taking a game with an compelling story and deep characters, and dumbing it down so a bunch of 14 year-olds can run around shooting each other in the face always seemed like a crime.

Sure, some games are naturally multiplayer, like the raft of Battle Royal games fostered by PlunkBat, and in some cases devs can straddle the single-player and multiplayer lines.

COD usually does that pretty well, but think of how good the single-player game could be without all the resources they have to pour into multiplayer.

Still, I guess that's my old man showing. Back in the 80s I ran a Doom server at work, and almost every lunch we used to do exactly what I complain about now... Run around shooting each other in the face.

Today if I play a 'big' game I expect it to have a movie or book-like depth of characters and a complex, engaging plot. If that gets sacrificed for face-shooting, I'll usually just give it a miss.

What is doom?

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I'll play video games occasionally but have no time for multi-player shooters. Used to get together with friends & play halo, with beer & pizza on pay day Fridays, but that was with people I knew. Any time I've played online probably in the last decade its always the same, kids who play it constantly just running thru everyone else & talking smack.

Currently playing red dead redemption 2 but haven't even tried the online portion of it & probably never will. I play games as an escape & don't need some voice cracking teen to ruin my free time.
Always makes me laugh.

That was pretty funny when he was killed by shrapnel from his own bazooka (grenade launcher) blast.:thumb:

Real men play pinball... :)
kiss pinball.gif

I had the high score on every machine at the West Ga. College Rec. Center fall of 1976...
Ummm... yeah... I never got my college degree. :pound:
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