If the gun market in general is like the ODT right now....

Too bad SCAR owners selling their 17s' haven't realized the market sucks. I have yet to see one under $3,300 used still in the past year.

Because they are not mass produced and available like Glock's and AR15s are.
Call any gun store and they'll tell you good luck finding one, and that there's a wait time that's at least 6 months right now if they can even place an order.
We, as civilians, are competing with the military market in trying to get scar 17s at this time.
I listed a Mosin yesterday at what I thought was a really deal and it took almost 24 hours to move. It sold now Santa's coming! :rockon:

That was a good deal! I wanted it but just didn't need it...But still, I came very close to sending you a pm last night. I'm glad it's gone. LOL!
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