If you drive a Corvette, you suck

Ok, a couple of things:
1. Speeding does not cause accidents, PERIOD! If that were the case, there would be carnage on the roads every single second! It's the difference in speeds that create VERY unsafe conditions. Someone doing 75 coming up on a car doing 60 can be dangerous, but 5 cars all going 85 on a long stretch of highway is in no way unsafe in and of itself. Also, the different vehicles play a huge part! An 18-wheeler going 80 MPH vs my Corvette going 80 (all other things being equal), which one presents more of a hazard?

2. It is simple courtesy to get out of the left lane if you are not passing anyone OR if someone wishes to pass you at a faster rate than you are going. Anyone that hangs out in the left lane and thinks "I'm going fast enough, I don't have to move." is a complete douchetard! I don't care if you're going 80MPH in the left lane, if someone is closing in at 85, MOVE! It's not your job to pace traffic, but it is your job to GTFO of the left lane!
Yeah, what I've found is the car might be able to do it but the limiting factor 99% of the time is the driver. VERY few people push their cars and themselves to the limits.

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room.
As an old vette driver I like mine cause it handles well, goes as quick as is sane on the road, gets reasonable gas mileage (yes I'm retired and frugal) and still drives around a race track at a great clip. I wish the left lane losers would move over and I wish folks would signal but I guess that will happen when liberals and conservatives agree on how to create a sane world. By the way if you want to drive at high speeds in your car go to driving days at tracks like Road Atlanta, Atlanta Motorsports Park, Atlanta Speedway any of the local drag racing tracks ( I just don't like drag racing cause the quicker you are the shorter the thrill time).
All of the no dick Prius drivers drive like they have something to prove. I drive my 6.2 liter V8 (Same engine as the Corvette) camaro Super Sport in the RIGHT lane the speed limit with the top down enjoying life as it comes.
I ride a goat.

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