If you're the size of a water buffalo : Fat shaming thread

First of all, kids learn by watching their parents. If the parents have very unhealthy habits, guess what? Their kids will think that's normal and imitate. I generally don't see fat kids of skinny parents and vise versa. If I see fat kids, I can guarantee their parents are fat.

Second, if a person can be arrested for "indecent exposure" for showing off too much skin, why can't we incarcerate obese people for oozing their fat over the sides of a chair and committing visual crimes against humanity? Trust me, I'd MUCH rather see a naked fit man or woman than a 450+ pound obese person in any form!! It sickens me that one would allow themselves to become so unhealthy!! But, that's what we're cultivating anymore. Nobody takes personal responsibility, they'd rather blame everything and everybody else than just get up and do something!
Those fat shows on TLC are hilarious. When they go to the doctor and the doctor just gives it to them straight.
Those fat shows on TLC are hilarious. When they go to the doctor and the doctor just gives it to them straight. View attachment 2124463

I love watching this show for some reason. But the sad part is most of them act like they have no idea how they got to 600+lbs! They don't realize they're consuming 10000 calories a day and it blows their mind when he tells them.
I suppose it starts as a lack of education but eventually they will just give up and give in. on the other hand I've seen folks garner serious determination and turn their lives and health around. Some with dramatic results.
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