Inground yellow jacket nest .

When I was a kid I was picking up pine cones while my grandmother was mowing the grass at their house on Lake Jackson. She ran over a nest of yellow jackets and they attacked me. Don’t remember quite how many bites I had, it was over a hundred, but I faintly remember them coming out of all of my clothes inside the house as they were trying to get them off of me, I couldn’t have been 8-9 years old. They told me I stopped breathing on the way to the hospital in Covington, but I made it.

Mowing grass just the other day and hit a nest in the front yard, probably got 4-5 bites on the back of the calf at the knee. Damn little bastards hurt for their size. I gotta kill the nest in the yard in the next couple days before my boys get into them.

I found a nest a year or two back and put the traps out that they sell at Home Depot, nothing really happened. Finally bought the foaming wasp spray and shot it down in the hole one cool morning and that did the trick.
When I was a kid I was picking up pine cones while my grandmother was mowing the grass at their house on Lake Jackson. She ran over a nest of yellow jackets and they attacked me. Don’t remember quite how many bites I had, it was over a hundred, but I faintly remember them coming out of all of my clothes inside the house as they were trying to get them off of me, I couldn’t have been 8-9 years old. They told me I stopped breathing on the way to the hospital in Covington, but I made it.

Mowing grass just the other day and hit a nest in the front yard, probably got 4-5 bites on the back of the calf at the knee. Damn little bastards hurt for their size. I gotta kill the nest in the yard in the next couple days before my boys get into them.

I found a nest a year or two back and put the traps out that they sell at Home Depot, nothing really happened. Finally bought the foaming wasp spray and shot it down in the hole one cool morning and that did the trick.
Aww man that’s freaking rough , I couldn’t imagine over 100 , serious stuff right there , glad everything came out good , plan on heading out there this weekend currently filling out their cremation paperwork/fees😂
I have found a new hobby of hooking up a shop vac with 20 feet of pvc right at the entrance of a nest. It’s quite rewarding to see them fly up to the pipe to investigate and get a surprise visit to to impending death. Yes, it does require a lot of extension cord.

Btw, if y’all get the cheap wasp spray, most of it doesn’t work. Make sure yellowjackets are on the label.
put this in the hole and immedately follow it with a 16oz bottle of gas. Drop it in and run. Deader n hail !
It may have been said already, but if not... I would suggest marking the areas so that you don't encounter them again and let them live. They are very valuable to your environment. I am not a fan of them either, but I tend to let them live and do what God designed them to do.
Unfortunately I can’t do that , they’re in the path of my trails , and they started it now I have to finish it . I’ll try to make it quick but no promises . 🤞🏼
Get a 2 liter bottle, and some Lowe's or Home Depot "mix it yourself" insect killer. Mix it up at twice recommended strength and shake well. After dark sneak up on the hole and upend the bottle. Only a few will crawl out to die, the rest will perish inside.

You could also do this with a 5 gallon bucket and plug in the bottom on a string, but I've found the 2 liter bottle method works just fine with no risk of blowing myself up.
I just mix up about 2 gallons in a bucket. Pour it in and slap a rock on it. They're done by morning.
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