Is It Time to Update the Second Amendment?

Roberts is the asshole that upheld the Affordable Care Act. He changed his vote overnight, looking sweaty and uncomfortable while he did it.
Someone has pictures on that guy. He is bought and paid for.

He is. And one interpretation is that, in doing so, upheld the longstanding tradition that the Congress makes the laws and that, unless it is clearly unconstitutional, it stands. I'm not taking that side (or any other on that issue in this thread) but it can certainly be argued that his decision was actually one of the most conservative, though not neo-conservative.
Why do you read that propaganda man?

Because someone else is. Public perception is often formed in these trenches. It's best to not disregard the potential of these liberal cesspools of ignorance. They require a naïve audience at minimum to flourish and prosper.
In the hands of the unscrupulous, ignorance is a powerful tool.

Don't even waste the bandwidth on reading this clowns article.

I hated cleaning poop out of animal stalls but the manure would accumulate and cause more serious problems so it had to be hauled out when required. We used it for a purpose and it helped feed our family.

^Yes, mostly garbage.

Manure is my thought....

Update the Supreme Court......(not gonna happen soon but...)

This is on my mind. 4 out 5 SCOTUS believe the bill of rights is now a bill of states rights. The convoluted argument used to support the liberal argument that the 2A doesn't mean what it says is frightening. What will occur when they (liberals) as a majority determine that our right no longer exist.... What will the people say or do when they disagree and are well armed to dispute it.....

That article literally made me feel sick to my stomach. I find it disturbing that people actually live in this country that can nod their head and agree while reading that trash. But of course, it's "for the children".....

Fresh manure is dreadfully smelly. However, when working around it and understanding no harm is to befall you the smell disappears and you blank it out. Many middle of the fence folks read that tripe and when they read factual dissent in the comments it can spark questions. Questions that liberals tend to avoid or simply lie about, some using biased research or simple junk science.

Just another Bloomberg paid hack. Nothing of substance to see here...

Bloomturd is well organized and financed threat to our rights. His largest threat at the federal level, other than us, is the NRA. His attack focuses on the NRA. The organization that overall has fought to retain and restore rights in direct contrast to those who would restrict, prohibit and ban rights under the false pretense that "we need it for public safety" using their emotions and feelings to justify their goals.

That maybe some valuable advise in lowering my blood pressure :D however, just like to see what the other side is doing on occasion as to be able to better counter their lies.

A wise soldier will always know what the enemy will likely do before the enemy plans for it. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer was a profound quote from the Godfather and true to life.

The fight is initiated in the field of public court. How we address this as men and women will determine the sacrifices in the end. One of my favorite quotes about reactive verse proactive involvement is this:

"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." – Sir Winston Churchill
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I believe we SHOULD update the Second Amendment with a provisional clause: "Any who attempt or suggest infringement upon this right shall be deemed no longer qualified to vote nor hold public office".
I believe we SHOULD update the Second Amendment with a provisional clause: "Any who attempt or suggest infringement upon this right shall be deemed no longer qualified to vote nor hold public office".

Perhaps that should be an amendment unto itself, pertaining to the entire bill of rights.
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