It is astounding the amount of knowledge you guys have about everything.


Army Icon Lifetime Supporter
One nation under GOD Father of Jesus my Savior.
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Jun 26, 2010
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I am amazed that no matter the topic someone or in this case everyone has a always correct point of view. Guys can tell you the best manufacturer based on what they currently own to the best ammo based on what they currently shoot.

From the tactical to the practical the ODT has it covered.

I will be CC'ing a super soaker tomorrow based on ODT recommendations.
I am amazed that no matter the topic someone or in this case everyone has a always correct point of view. Guys can tell you the best manufacturer based on what they currently own to the best ammo based on what they currently shoot.

From the tactical to the practical the ODT has it covered.

I will be CC'ing a super soaker tomorrow based on ODT recommendations. ammount

Add some Holy water and it's perfect for vampires dude..seriously, that's what I use. You need fresh, recently blessed water though.
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