Jim Miller park gun show worth it?

Sometimes it's just good to get out of the house, even if it does cost 10 bucks.

If you go with low expectations you'll enjoy it more.

On the other hand Cobb County is spiking with the BA5 variant so maybe you'll get lucky and bring that home with you...
Sometimes it's just good to get out of the house, even if it does cost 10 bucks.

If you go with low expectations you'll enjoy it more.

On the other hand Cobb County is spiking with the BA5 variant so maybe you'll get lucky and bring that home with you...
Is BA5 the variant that causes blood and puss to spew from your mouth and nose as soon as you are infected?

Do the Jabbites need worry or are they protected?
Sometimes it's just good to get out of the house, even if it does cost 10 bucks.

If you go with low expectations you'll enjoy it more.

On the other hand Cobb County is spiking with the BA5 variant so maybe you'll get lucky and bring that home with you...
I used to raw-dog college girls when I lived in Daytona. Disease fears me
I’am gonna set up a table in my garage with a bunch of junk guns and ammo priced so high nobody would dare buy them, I’ll charge $5.00 entry, you can come by and walk around the table for hours and ask how much, when you get hungry you can get a $7.00 hotdog and a $3.00 bottle of water, then look at some vinyl siding and healing crystals. It’s a bargain! And not a complete waste of time.
Last time I setup at Jim Miller was about ten years ago. After setup that Friday evening, we took one of the RK door guys to the bar with us and went downtown Atlanta to get wasted. I ended up puking and passing out in one of Marlows bathrooms. When we got back to the hotel around 1 am, there was a full blown Indian wedding going on that was rocking the entire place with their music. Woke up next morning hungover as heck but we were still rocking those glocks for like $325/350 a pop. Dunno how my liver survived through those gun show years. RK have seen their glory days, and they've been long gone.
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