Law Abiding Black Panthers in the NEWS again!

Do their chief if staff has a standing felony charge... Surprising. What is really surprising if that he was trying to pawn a 5.7 and not a .40 cal hi point. Oops- that going too far?
Its not racist when its black on white crime…only the other way around

This is what they calim..........."We've never been in power, so we can't be racist." As in trevon martin---- hate crime, but four blacks grab a white boy and girl, cut his p---s off in front of her and then gang rape her,----not hate crime. WOW
"The group was founded in Dallas in 1989 and believes black Americans should have their own nation, according to the SPLC."

Wow. I didn't know that I had an idea in common with the Black Panthers.....
wow the head of the black panthers lives in stone mountain. Why do i not find that surprising at all?

Wow tax planning where you least expect to find it.

After reading this, think I'll sell my bad stock picks write the losses off against the 4/17 tax bill and buy myself something nice.

Maybe a PLR16 or the folding rifle version the SU16-C.

I hear EOTech 512's are getting cheaper now that we pulled out of Iraq and they got a warehouse full somewhere in NJ.
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Why isn't placing a public bounty on someone illegal? I don't know what happened that night and probably never will. The truth most likely lies somewhere between what Mr. Zimmerman is saying and what the Martin family believes. The bottom line here is that the New, Old, or whatever Black Panthers are no better an organization or less thug and backward ass driven organization than any other radical extremist organization. All the radical crazies, from the Sovereign Citizens, NAACP, to the Klan, including the Panthers, should be penalized if they are found in violation of our laws just like we would be as individual citizens. We are guaranteed the freedom or speech. WE are NOT guaranteed the right to harm others in any way because of our beliefs or their beliefs. We are also not allowed to enact vigilante law without punishment if we are caught. It is sad situations like young Mr. Martin's death that seem to bring out the radicals and crazies. What truly would be happening right now if that young man was white or any other color besides black for that matter and was shot and killed by a hispanic neighborhood watchman in FLA. Nothing, that's what. Because there is no White Panthers or Hispanic Panthers or Asian Panthers and there is no NAAWP(White) or NAAHP(Hispanic) or NAAAP(Asian) that has the ear of the press. I do not consider myself prejudice in any way towards folks for anything other than their actions. It doesn't matter what color their skin is. If they are a thug, then they are a thug. My dealing with people has to do solely with that. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I do know that where I grew up and still currently live there seems to be as much or more black toward white prejudice than white toward black prejudice. It is just the way it is here. I did grow up in a prejudice household though, so I know first hand that it does exist. I think that is one reason I am more tolerant of folks of all colors and races. Growing up in that environment heightened my awareness to the fact that prejudice based solely on color is stupid. I base my prejudice on actions. Period. I do not discriminate. If you come in my home or on my property and attempt to damage, steal, vandalize, or harm anything or anyone on or in it, I will defend what's mine. Even if that means I HAVE TO SHOOT YOUR ASS, no matter what color you are...Seriously, NO

--End Soapbox Rant--
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