Legality of a trade

That is the absolute correct and best answer to this question, Kudos to you Sir for knowing and being able to articulate the law.


A non resident can buy a long gun from an FFL here in GA, but not a handgun. On a private sale, a non resident can not buy or sell here unless it is handled by an FFL and a handgun has to go through an FFL in the buyers state of PRIMARY residence.. A person that claims part time residency is actually a resident of one state as primary and can only claim that state as residence. So the answer is NO you should not even consider selling or buying a gun private sale from someone that is not a resident. there are a lot of nimrods that try to over analyze the laws to find "Loopholes" that don't exist except in their mind.
Laws...gross. I worked at the capital as an aide for a little while. 90% of everything being talked about/changed/made is a waste of time/BS; wording is intentionally made vague; etc. etc.. Frustrating....especially when I look at the little box on my pay stub that says Withholding Information, wonder how much of that is being squandered.
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