"Let me know if you lower the price."

"Let me know if you lower the price."

Hmmkay......Prepare a series of PMs:

Hey dude, I'm lowering the price, now the Glock is $649.

Hey! Just checked around and I've decided to lower the price to $648.

Hi. Maybe I was a bit high on that asking price. How about $647?

Still too rich? What about $646?

Etc., etc., etc.....

AND, I'd send these at about 2:13 a.m. just in case he has some sort of notification set up on his mobile.
Almost as good as "uh, can you drive halfway across the state to meet me and take a much lower offer?"

The amount of money I'd spend in gas and time, I'd be better off taking the damn thing to a pawn or gun shop and selling it to them outright.
Put the price on the floor, as low as you will go...:becky:

low price.jpg
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