"Let me know if you lower the price."

Almost as good as "uh, can you drive halfway across the state to meet me and take a much lower offer?"

The amount of money I'd spend in gas and time, I'd be better off taking the damn thing to a pawn or gun shop and selling it to them outright.

Yeah but, but, but.....it's about the "brotherhood" and all....isn't it? I mean that's what I keep hearing from the whiners that want something for nothing. You mean this site isn't about "heppin a brother out" and all that?
Almost as good as "uh, can you drive halfway across the state to meet me and take a much lower offer?"

The amount of money I'd spend in gas and time, I'd be better off taking the damn thing to a pawn or gun shop and selling it to them outright.
Ha...yep just got one of those PMs the other day myself.
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