Let's Hear It For the Ammo Flippers!

Now that they are coming closer to retail price they are heroes! WooHoo!


LOL..yeah same guy selling for 50 bucks a brick one week is an asshole, but sellig for 7cents a round is now everybodies friend.


Not to mention that the quantites he has sold means he has been raping WalMarts for quite some time. So all you people with no 22's can thank him.
One way to judge a man is by his enemies. Personally I'm PROUD to be hated by the people I have zero respect for. They are POS's IMO any way and stand for everything I detest. So, like feedback where you can follow the feedback to the giver and see THIER feedback, let the ignore list be linked in a chain as well.

Could not agree more!
One way to judge a man is by his enemies. Personally I'm PROUD to be hated by the people I have zero respect for. They are POS's IMO any way and stand for everything I detest. So, like feedback where you can follow the feedback to the giver and see THIER feedback, let the ignore list be linked in a chain as well.
That's what I love about people saying "but I respect your opinion". If you like brocolli and I don't, fine. I guess I can 'respect' that. If your "opinion" is to vote in people who enact policies that destroy this country's foundation, crush our liberties, pit Americans against Americans with class warfare and entitlements, and mortgage our future to insure our weakness, no... sorry, I have absolutely ZERO 'respect' for your 'opinion'.
I saw that post earlier today. I wanted so bad to comment when people were calling it a fair price (Its about $20 over retail!). But I knew I was going to get a warning for making a negative comment. So I didn't. haha

Yeah, I think it is kinda messed up that you can leave POSITIVE price comments but not negative. In fact, many of the positive price comments are so misleading as to be damaging to buyers. It seems like it should be no problem for people to respond to them with comments like "Really? On what ****ing planet is THAT a fair price"...etc..

That's what I love about people saying "but I respect your opinion". If you like brocolli and I don't, fine. I guess I can 'respect' that. If your "opinion" is to vote in people who enact policies that destroy this country's foundation, crush our liberties, pit Americans against Americans with class warfare and entitlements, and mortgage our future to insure our weakness, no... sorry, I have absolutely ZERO 'respect' for your 'opinion'.

Agreed. I have never understood "defending someones right to say" something that is so obviously anti-everything this country was built on. If you are a socialist POS then you are my enemy. Period.

So if you are on the ignore list of these morons...well that makes you my brother.
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