Maine Coon

My Mine Coon
Precious 2-21.JPG
I got one for my daughter years ago, as a rescue kitten. Turned out to be a great cat, played with our neighbor's Great Dane like they were the same size. He got hit by a car late one night, that was a sad, sad day.
Well this is well timed. My brother is being deployed to Spain and I have taken in his Coon. He's adjusted well, especially on account of the 7ish foot Saguaro Style cat tree he and I built for him. Have not found that their care is much different to normal cat care outside of the extra grooming. Their character however is much different.
We have a brother and sister that are about 8 years old. We had a female before these two. I can easily say we will always have a maine coon in our house. They have phenomenal personalities. The male rules the house, our German Shepherd and mutt bow to his will. He will play fetch with a nerf dart until your arm is tired. The female is more of a caregiver, she gravitates to whoever isn't feeling well. If the arthritis in my ankle is hurting she will curl up on it and sleep. If it's my knee, she will curl up on it. If my wife has a migraine she won't leave her side. It's truly amazing. I was never much of a cat person before our first MC. She was very close to our oldest son and was great with him when he was going through some emotional growing pains.
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