Missouri lawmakers introduce bill to confiscate within 90 days of passage.

Some majority elected the legislator that sponsored/introduced this bill - blame the people that elected them...

Ah this is the fly in the ointment. A politician can/will say whatever he or she thinks will get them elected. Now once elected what bills they support or submit will be their undoing if....if the voting public is paying attention. The problem is most just go about their lives complacent and unaware of just who is making a play to strip them of their rights and spend their taxes how "they" want.

It starts in your backyard, county, state and ends at the federal level. It amazes me how many men/women have a strong opinion but have no clear idea or clue about the real facts or worse no concern.

Get educated! Don't skim the facts, dig and do some homework then form an educated opinion. The main media is skimming the facts that they want to present, avoiding and ignoring any unwanted details or facts in order to support their liberal agenda (ever more gun control).
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