My Firefox browser can no longer connect to the ODT

A screen cap of what it says on my phone any time I try to go to any part of odt.


  • Screenshot_2017-08-29-15-21-48.png
    73.4 KB · Views: 8
So it's not just me... and not just older firefox, I don't think.

In my opinion, something changed on the server side.

Things routinely change on the server side. Application functionality, security patches, control panel updates, operating system updates, server firmware updates. The server side has to move forward to keep up with requirements, security changes, and pressure from third party sources. SSL/TLS is a particularly thorny issue. A few years ago, we didn't have to bother with security certificates and ciphers for a site like ODT. Now, Google (among others) penalizes web sites that don't keep up.
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