My Great Grandson Maverick

Just seeing this for the first time. I was born premature and spent my first days under the blue light. See, if I can do it, Maverick can also grow up to be a big A hole just like me 😉

Prayers sent for that little fighter and the family.
Sent PayPal to you, Ken. Hope it helps a bit.
Just seeing this for the first time. I was born premature and spent my first days under the blue light. See, if I can do it, Maverick can also grow up to be a big A hole just like me 😉

Prayers sent for that little fighter and the family.
Sent PayPal to you, Ken. Hope it helps a bit.
Every bit helps, but you are very generous.
Morning update from my wife:

“Maverick is doing good right now, he's on three antibiotics and pain meds. He had a small amount of pee. He said to tell papa he loves you and looking forward for that motorcycle ride, by the way his first word was papa, im kinda hurt it wasn't granny.”
He’s been a induced coma, but they are bringing him slowly out of it.
My wife and Bailey said he’s following them with his one partially open eye, but he’s still not moving, which is good to keep his sutures from working loose.
Looks even sadder because he’s not moving.

I just want everyone to know the caliber of people we have on this site.
I’ve had a tremendous out pouring of help so far, we have a long and very bumpy road ahead of us, but the love shown is humbling and I couldn’t possibly thank everyone enough.
But one individual reached out to help, even though he is currently going through some very debilitating medical problems himself. I know he’s struggling himself yet he wanted to help us.
I told Bailey about that and she ask that I pass on her thanks, but she would feel much better if he kept anything he was considering, for his own needs.

Thank you 41mag 41mag for this very selfless gesture.

I am absolutely blown away...
Thanks man…. I would have responded a little sooner but had more seizures (2).
I am hoping they have the right meds this time….I really am hating them, but have to keep up with it - so I been told.

I really really hope lil Maverick is doing well, though. I was telling my wife about him last night.

Thanks Ken Ford Ken Ford - you guys take care ! Keep me in the loop please !
(This little guy has really stole my heart !!)

Ken Brown/ 41mag :)
Does anyone mind these updates? The outpouring of love and the contributions the ODT a have been so heartwarming, I’ve assumed you all would want updates. But I also don’t want to force my woes on all of you.

These updates are kinda my pressure relief, kinda makes me feel not quite so isolated. I’ve never know this kinda stress.
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