Nah........Cops Aren't Corrupt

I'll bite.

Correctional officers are a different animal from street cops. It isn't an excuse, but it is a truth. Different hiring standards, codes of conduct, and expectations. Depending on the department, just a warm body to man a post is enough for promotion.

And go ahead /flame on.
There's bad apples in every bunch. Is every soldier good person? Is every banker not a thief, etc. Fact is, you mostly hear about officers gone bad because of the old media adage, "If it bleeds, it leads." No one cares about an officer who does his job everyday, dosen't look the other way, or anything else wrong because it's not sensational.
correctional officers arent every day police, and i really dont care much for prison guards (not because i have been wronged by any of them in a professional sense, but most that i have personally met are just out and out mean people. i figure that job attracts that type of person though)

either way, sounds like a bunch of dumb hoes being bumb hoes, its baltimore, what a ****hole
Hey, these look pretty good don't they? Anybody want to make some and give us a report back?

correctional officers arent every day police, and i really dont care much for prison guards (not because i have been wronged by any of them in a professional sense, but most that i have personally met are just out and out mean people. i figure that job attracts that type of person though)

either way, sounds like a bunch of dumb hoes being bumb hoes, its baltimore, what a ****hole
You've got a point about Baltimore, but as far as the C.O. part, I started off working corrections at the county level. That's the most depressing, frustrating job in the free world.
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