Need prayers for my daughter Tabatha

Please Feed her apricot pits. My Mom aged 82 at the time went through colin cancer and chemo. Doc wanted to do a colostomy. She refused THANKS GOD. I fed her the seeds in apricot pits and she was better. She just gave up at age 84 and went on to be with GOD (2007).

Laetrile, B17 same thing.

Praying for Tabatha. Lord lifting her up to your loving arms. Touch her Lord and heal her.
I haven’t posted anything about this until now, been waiting to get more details on what direction her treatment was going to take. She found out in early December that she had a mass in her intestines, surgery a couple of weeks before Christmas to remove a fist sized mass from her colon along with several lymph nodes. The lab results came back after New Years and a couple of the lymph nodes showed some signs of cancer. She had a port implanted last Friday and starts chemotherapy on January 23.
Please keep her in your prayers!
Dammit. I wish and pray for a complete and painless cure/recovery…..Cancer survivor myself.
My families prayers. Nothing but positive vibes. It sounds like there will be Med Oncologist involved based on the portacath placement, with a great team,and her youth great outcomes will come her way.
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