Negative 19 test? Wife is positive?

I believe it's a crap shoot, the "tests" that is. A family friend was over for dinner Dec 14th, she called a couple of days later saying, "I've got Covid bad, y'all should get tested."

Me, my dad and his wife (also at that dinner) go and get tested. Dad's wife was ill, tested positive. My dad and I felt fine but went to the doctor's office Dec 18th for testing. Blood tests showed be as not having an active case nor antibodies for previous infections. Dad had no active case but DID have antibodies. I said, "Let's do the swab test as long as we're here." They took the samples and we left. I get a call three days later, "You and your father need to quarantine for 10 days. Your tests came back positive." Dad had almost no ill effects from CV19 (he's 79) and I lost my sense of smell for about 6 days, had a headache for day 1, then no other symptoms.

Maybe we caught the white privilege strain and that's why it was no big deal.

I hope you get well soon, my neighbor has been fighting off the Grim Reaper for 8 months now, due to CV19.
Thanks man
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