Parents Sue

HOpe it's expensive for te plaintiffs
I'll bet anything the lawyers are "donating" their time just to put their names and faces on tv for some free advertising and up their status with the left.....or probably have ambitions of running for some sort of future office.
I'll bet anything the lawyers are "donating" their time just to put their names and faces on tv for some free advertising and up their status with the left.....or probably have ambitions of running for some sort of future office.
So what if they are personally named in a counter suit?
So it doesn't mention if this is the Brady Campaign pulling this again. they've been pushing this angle ever since Sandy Hook as a way to put pressure on the legal commerce law.

So far all it's done is leave a bunch of parents holding the bag (or bill) for the court costs when the cases get tossed.
I think there were a couple of people that sued after Sandy Hook. It didn't work out so well. They had to pay all the court cost and
lawyers and went bankrupt. I am sorry for their loss but hope they lose.
Almost. They’re hoping to get a massive settlement just through the threat of taking them to court. You can’t lose if it never goes to trial...
None of these were the typical 'hope for a big payday' type of civil suit.

They were all brought by the Brady's to try and put pressure on changing the legal commerce act. When it got thrown out last time Hillary made it into a campaign pledge, and I'm sure they are hoping for the same out of at least some of the 'blue wave' they think will swing everything (D) in the 2018 midterms.

They really don't care if they bankrupt a few parents who lost kids, they want to 'make a point'. They get a few minutes of coverage when they file these cases, a few more when they get thrown out, and a Liberal talking point they can use through the sympathetic media coverage.

Just goes to show there's nothing more ruthless than a Liberal with an agenda.
I had to :)
Are they sueing the sheriffs dept that had a highly paid coward on campus ?

The coward that’s now being paid $105k a year for the rest of his life as a reward for running away ?
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