PS4 vs Xbox

After reading his unabridged note to the world I kinda feel like selling my kids 360 and upgrading to a PS 4 now. I just hate the consumer shattered the multimillonairs vision. Boo eff'n hooo.

Nick T
I guess I'll just quote my previous post from the other thread.

With the current reversal on Microsoft's position regarding online only and used games, I'll probably stick with their platform. The PS4 has better hardware (if you care about specs) but I still like the direction Microsoft is going. I tend to use my 360 as a cable box these days anyway, so it works for me. I've owned the PS3 and it was nice but their online gaming community was a bit lacking. In the end I'll probably own both but the $100 dollar difference isn't enough for me to change my mind just yet.

Had Microsoft kept their previous plans in place I wouldn't have supported them just out of principle.

I'm no longer a hardcore gamer so my viewpoints don't mean much. As far as titles, I still feel Xbox has the edge (for my preferences) with games like Gears of War and Halo. On the flip side, I've always enjoyed the God of War series.
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