Search eBay for "loveless knife"

Loveless is a very desirable name in the knife world. Randall is a big name, but just another big name in a large pool of big names in the world of cutlery.
Absolutely positively no way. Even if I hit a 50 million dollar lotto, would I spend 5+ grand for a knife unless it was forged from the spikes driven into Christs wrists or a meteor from krypton.
Yeah agreed 110%. I don't even buy name brand knives for carrying anymore. I have lost half a dozen Gerber, CRKT Buck knives since about 2012. So now I just go to Academy and buy whatever Chinese **** is on sale.
Other than the 2 top right that have been with me for probably 30+ years, all the others were picked up for very reasonable prices. ( most of the knives I have) They all seem to work fine.
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