Sig P365X with Romeo Zero $530

I've seen them as low as $80-90. but the overall web hive mind says they are utter garbage. 1st clue is, they're PLASTIC.

It actually feels like a pretty durable little red dot. Have you used one?

My issues with it:
1. I'd prefer not to have to remove it to change the battery, but for the price I wouldn't complain.
2. Not a fan of the button location, but since it auto shuts off, not really a big deal.

As for being plastic, so is the entire frame of the gun.
No, not wasting money on 1. I am OK with learning from the outspoken opinion of it, esp if it's something I need to defend my life with. it's your life, what's it worth?

Can you please elaborate on the issues you have read about?

Not to be taken a personal attack, but in all of your posts in this thread, the only contribution you have made is that they are "utter garbage" and "worthless". If you have read lots of reviews on the product, then tell us more about the issues you've read about, not just that "they're PLASTIC", when the majority of the gun is PLASTIC.

Again, not attacking you, as I and most likely others would like to understand more about the issues you have heard about. Otherwise, it comes across as you are bashing a product only because it's plastic, and you have no first hand experience with it, which will make anybody reading your posts dismiss them as such.
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