Small primers

Would someone please define what makes someone one of these terrible "hoarders?"
Those hideous people are the ones that had the disposable income and foresight to “buy them cheap and stack them deep” thus not leaving anything for the piss poor planners who buy a box at a time.
Those hideous people are the ones that had the disposable income and foresight to “buy them cheap and stack them deep” thus not leaving anything for the piss poor planners who buy a box at a time.
We don't have expandable production capacity. There are four plants in the U.S. running 24/7 right now. Most folks have no idea but primer cups are still filled (with the priming compound) by hand at most manufacturers. If you look at the recent videos released by manufacturers you'll see the machinery used to produce bullets, primers, etc., was nearly all made in the 1930's - 50's and is not "upgradable."

Add to that the big guys are holding over a billion dollars in backorders and you can see why there aren't shelves loaded with primers at Academy or Bass Pro.

used to be a good video somewhere of the actual manufacture of primers. Very interesting process. As noted, done by hand, using a wet "dough" that is forced into molds, sort of like making little raviolis. The workers are wearing rubber boots, standing in ankle deep water to completely eliminate any chance of static electricity.

The ammo manufacturers said there is no evidence of sustained long term demand at these levels, so they are not going to spend the money to build new facility.

A new ammo manufacturing facility requires someone to build a new primer plant, and someone to build a new powder plant, and someone to built a new bullet plant and so on. What we see as crushing shortage of ammo and components, the manufacturers see as a blip in their long term marketing strategy.

Plus, I can't imagine the environmental issues they would face in the permitting process.

From their perspective, they are looking at probably three years of 100% capacity sales without having to spend another dollar on production or even advertising. They aren't going to lose market share because all of their competitors are in the same situation.

They know you have no alternative but to wait.
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