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Smaller home for retirement?

I heard a quote on a Movie where in the key players was from Mexico siad as they were driving through the mall parking lot
Key player " It still ceases to amaze me. "

Another actor " What does? ".

Key player " The appetite! ".

American women have an insatiable appetite for stuff. My mom was the same way. There is no limit to their consumption. Cloths, makeup, shoes, trinkets, jewelry, antiques ect., ect., ect.. It never stops. When they get what they want they store that CRAP and replace it with more CRAP. Americans as a whole are foolishly glutenous compared to the rest of the world.

I was there. Buying a bigger place every 5 or six years to store more S**T. It is amazing how much CRAP Americans just have to have. Just when you think everything is good it's off shopping we go to purchase or rotate more CRAP. It's a never ending vicious cycle of accumulating abundant pyles of crap. Then out we go to buy a bigger place to put the excess CRAP.

You get to a point where you want to put your foot down and say " ENOUGH CRAP! ". but then you get a " I want a divorce! ". My advice is just listen to your wife if you want to remain a couple. She has the final say anyway. Society has neutered us as the men of the house anyway.
Theres a reason an unbalanced high percentage of marketing is geared toward women.
Theres a reason an unbalanced high percentage of marketing is geared toward women.
Yep! Unfortunately it falls on us men to keep all that CRAP in check and organized. Every weekend you want to relax and enjoy your time off. Noooo! Honey! Clean the garage and organize it. Next weekend you think finally relaxation . Noooo! Honey clean and organize the attic. Finally next weekend I am going to relax. Noooo! Honey clean and organize the basement and so on and so on and so on. Never stops!
Only if you choose… after the first divorce, the rest are a piece of cake
You got that right! My first wife cheated on me and I felt it even though I had no proof. Something ( divine intervention) said " Leave and don't go back. ". Three years later I get a letter telling me she was in an affair for a long time. I didn't leave my parents basement for two years. It stung. I loaded up my Bronco and left her the rest. Had to start all over. This last divorce she just became vindictive. I walked out the door smiling like a Cheshire cat. No problem, no pain, no sorrow. Complete peace. Moved up here to the Mountains and I am loving it. I am the King of my castle and it's going to stay that way.
Dude when it comes to liquids I have a straight gut. Drink while I am over the porcelain. Then two or three times before bedtime and then I have to piss like Peruvian eel when I wake up.
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