This is me now days

As long as you don't forget anything important........I lost some short term memory after my open heart. They thin your blood way down and run it in a machine to keep you alive during the surgery. You can have a stroke. It's all good, I'm still here. And I've accomplished a lot of things since then. Now where's the kitchen and what was I going to wright on that post it??.......What where we talking about??......Who are you??........🤣
Glad we still have you with us brother. God bless.
To correct my previous post it's not the simple words I have a problem with. I use to talk like I had a thesaurus in my hand. I would use less common terminology. It's only now I don't remember those uncommon words right of the top of my head like I use to. It's not as bad as I made it out to be.
To correct my previous post it's not the simple words I have a problem with. I use to talk like I had a thesaurus in my hand. I would use less common terminology. It's only now I don't remember those uncommon words right of the top of my head like I use to. It's not as bad as I made it out to be.
You're going to be OK.......
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