Thread for posting strange things you've found in the parking lot.

I work in parking lots. Strangest found was a bum that froze to death sleeping in the top of a stairwell at 100 Luckie. Found some human toes at old Lanier lot that is now part of the Apparel Mart. Found a TI cd case with @ 20 sets in it (a set is 1 crack rock). Found a full heroine kit in a lot off Bankhead. The list goes on and on....
I found way more interesting things in incoming junk yard cars than parking lots. For a while I had like a dozen different sets of jumper cables and gas cans and 4 way lug wrenches. Found a purple Acer netbook in one car. I gave it to the guy that owned the yard. I already had the same one in blue. Found a digital dope scale in one car. Found a short set of Stanley bolt cutters that I still have. A wheelbarrow load of cheap sunglasses, can openers, flashlights, etc.
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