Trouble loggin in

ive got the same thing 2 days in a row now from my work computer. running IE and it auto clears everything when i log off. does the invalid thing once, then lets me log on. no issues on my home computer running firefox though.

thought ide ad to, help show your not the only one lol.
Are you all getting the same link Bioshock got?

Does it happen every login? If you logout and log back in does it still do it? What style do you usually use?
just tried logging off, then back on and worked fine

yes, the "invalid redirect" message is what i get once on initial log on, then normal. im on my work computer running IE that wipes my user history when i log out on this computer. (its a gubbment computer lol)

im gonna try logging out of this computer and letting it wipe and do it again to see if it still does it.
How about now, what does it do? Does it say invalid link or does it take you to a different style?
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