Trouble loggin in

I haven't been using the www. I'll log off for a little bit and try that but I've never used the www.

It seems to be something that changed with the update we did last week, if you add the www and it fixes the problem for you guys then I can go in and figure out how to fix it on our end
What is the address you go to when you first get on the site, is it or without the www?

I just type but my computer adds in the rest. It's the same way I've always signed in.

havent had any problems on the computers im at today for work, but they remember internet history and login stuff from past sessions, the one i was at this weekend didnt. and i was doing no www. all IE. my home computer running firefox worked fine, tried logging in/out, clearing cookies/history and i couldnt repeat the issue at home.
I just got it to do it for me by leaving the www off and then trying to login. Basically the site is supposed to automatically redirect you to the www address even if you leave it off, but now for some reason when you first go to the site and leave the www off it lets you go to the homepage, then when you click any link on the page it adds the www back on. That's why you can login on the 2nd try, the site has put you back on www by then.
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