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Want to know why intelligent CITIZENS dont like cops?

What do you mean "wake up"?

I think he means "illustrate to them that their buddies are making THEM look bad, and making THEIR jobs a LOT more dangerous."

The old BS wives tale about urban youths being "taught" to dislike police is a crock of horse doody. They LEARN all right, they learn from experience. just like all these other guys here complaining. Sure, I had 2 good experiences with cops, neither were ones where I CALLED them though. So in my limited experience, cops are nearly useless when called, and mostly annoying when not. I DID get pulled over racing one night and the cop "let me go" since the other guy ran (i could tell he wasn't in the mood for an "exciting" night). Other time was when i was a kid and committed the "terrorist act" of throwing a string of blackcat firecrackers into a pedophile's yard one afternoon. I was 15 and he had me in cuffs, painted the pedobear as the victim (which to be fair he was just minding his own business at the time).

I've been in jail, only though injustice and ignoring the 4th amendment. Oh i did something "wrong" but I certainly wasn't hurting anyone, stealing or otherwise being a burden on society. I learned that jail is a place to INDUCE recidivism. Even drunk tank guards treat folks like serial rapists where I was, and the way tehy de-humanized the female inmates made me literally sick to my stomach. saw more boobs in processing than I've seen in my whole life. You reckon those gals are going to stop next time they are pulled over? i don't.

I saw gals stripped to their panties in front of me for a good 45 mins, 75% were in tears, the other 25% knew the routine and looked on with deep seeded hatred in their eyes.

I was in with ZERO violent offenders in a tank of 42. The Pit boss was a guy in for dealing crack cocaine, guy was a brilliant chess player, I never got more than 5 moves in without being check chased. That said, my record is cleaner than a preachers bedsheets (SOMEtimes lawyers ARE worth their salt). I saw things in there that really made me question the idea of incarceration as a mental deterrent to crime, and it CERTAINLY wasn't making people feel "guilty" or some such nonsense.

I was shocked at the number of "intelligent" people in there. People with real jobs, real families. their bank accounts caught up in the unfortunate game of "which fee shall I pay". I was shocked at how the guards treated EVERYBODY, but particularly the women with the forced strip in front of quite a few men, that BS shouldn't happen ANYwhere, and if it were MY wife, I would have gone WAYYYYYYYYY over the line in my response.

One young man I met got pulled over and charged with a felony obstruction charge for throwing a roach out his window when he got lit up. No priors, just graduated UH business school. Saw a kid (I mean KID) just LOSE it when he was being booked for probation violation (a felony in TX), it was his LAST day on papers and he got pulled over in a car where his buddies had dope). I won't argue that crime isn't stupid, we're all adults here, alot of us have done stupid crap in the past.

At the end of the day, and despite amusingly long incoherant rambling, ME, personally, I steer clear of cops. They intimidate me and are free from the rules and laws of my world. they seem to be able to lie and nobody will doubt them. Even juries of peers side with LE, why? Because they want their BS jury duty to be over, and their parking validated.

Justice in this country starts with the individual and ends with their ability to avoid prosecution financially. That's why it's ok to be a killer if you're a millionaire or cop, but not if you are me or you.
May I condense this for you ?

" I was breaking the law and the cops caught me and I was charged with a crime I committed. I am angry about it"

Short and sweet, your welcome.
Those who never have will never know. Wear a badge for a few years then see how you feel.

Its gotta feel pretty good to know you are above the law and co do anything and break any law and never have to worry about any consequences

call the Fannin County DA and ask what was the verdict for Michael James Herndon
you will discover there was no trial.

he was a deputy for Lumpkin County, who got drunk, on duty, and drove his marked Lumpkin patrol car, in uniform, to Blue Ridge where he assaulted and attempted to kidnap a woman who refused to go out with him.

He was charged with DUI and disorderly conduct, false imprisonment, aggravated assault, false statements and concealing of facts, violation of oath by a public officer, possession of a weapon during the commission of a crime, criminal attempt of kidnapping, and burglary.

How long would a mere civilan peasant serve in prison for that?????

Deputy Hearndon, a gypsy cop who had worked for as many as 8 departments in 2 states over the last few years, NEVER WENT TO TRIAL.
he GOT OFF SCOT FREE !!!!!!!

wearing a badge means you get to dodge how many felonies?????

thats pretty nifty.

so what makes cops just all of a sudden go bezerk like these?

too much steroids?


or you can watch Billy Shane Harrison and Chance Oxner go bezerk and shoot Jonathan Ayres in the back.

hmm, wonder why people dont respect cops?

Holly Springs has a cop camped out permanently on 575,
for no other reason than revenue collection, since the "city" of Holly Springs is miles away from the interstate, there couldnt be any other reason.

Those trigger happy, paranoid, scaredy cat officers in LA ever get disciplined for putting 140 bullet holes up the newspaper delivery ladies truck???

Last I heard the police dept wouldnt even replace their pickup.
who couldnt respect such nice upstanding officers and their dept??
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This thread holds it integrity. Fbodtrek. Great depiction of many victimless crimes creating criminals... I have a better condensed version space lord "youre a criminal... Pay your government or suffer the consequences"
May I condense this for you ?

" I was breaking the law and the cops caught me and I was charged with a crime I committed. I am angry about it"

Short and sweet, your welcome.

I take it you are a perfect law abiding god fearing angel? Get over yourself, you can be thrown in jail for speeding and copping an attitude. You don't like what I said because of how real it is? High horse can't climb over that fence. Everyone is young and stupid at one point.
Most LEOs will range from average to excellent, no issues from me. It's the ones that fall outside those brackets that bother me. A good cop having a bad day means I go away upset/angry/frustrated.

Although the officer in the story may not have started in the poor category, six shoots? http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2013/05/29/rookie-police-officer-shot-fort-worth-homeowner-six-times/

I guess it's some comfort that he's a good shot?
not too bad, a paid vacation at taxpayers' expense. What the ...... were they doing trespassing on his property when the alarm was going off ACROSS the street?
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