We're all doomed... it's gonna get real cold

If we still had NASA they could just position some rocket motors on the other side of the Earth and push us back closer to the Sun, couldn't they?
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This is an interesting read, if you like science and astronomy and that sort of thing.

In the course of its elliptical orbit, Earth is actually drifting away from the Sun at a rate of ~1.5 cm per year. So in 4.5 billion years, we'll be about 50,000 km farther away from the Sun than we are now. The rest of the planets are doing the same. This is all happening mainly because the Sun loses about 4.7 million tons of matter every year, resulting in a slightly less strong gravitational pull. With each and every orbit that passes, the planets become progressively less tightly-bound to our Sun.

I oughta have my dream AR built by the time that happens.


HBO has been telling us that for 8 years... :doh:
GOT Winter.jpg
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