What Series Are You Watching Right Now?

The night agent- really good and worth a watch.

Whiplash-excellent movie.

Madalorian season 3-lack luster until last few episodes.

Shadow and bone season 2- very good.
Bosch Legacy

Jack reacher

My name is Earl

Malcom in the middle

Lincoln lawyer

The middle (different show than Malcom )

King of the hill

Clarksons farm

Better call Saul
Just finished rewatching Bloodline on Netflix. That show is awesome and should’ve had more than 3 seasons. It’s such a slow burning, dark drama that hits home for people that have a black sheep in their family. The only reason they said they didn’t do more seasons was because it was too expensive to film in the Florida Keys a few years ago.
Also rewatched Ray Donovan…another great show
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