whats your bow setup???

It's not as cluttered as a multiple pin sight, which is why I went with it this past season. However, you have to either remember to set the yardage before you draw or figure out where to hold your pin based off the yardage you have it set on. Several times this past season while target practicing, I forgot to move the sight when I moved closer or farther from the target. In my opinion, it isn't the best option for hunting. It can be a pain in the *** if you are preparing to take a 40 yd shot and suddenly the deer comes 20 yds closer and you have to move the sight again before you can shoot. I missed several deer this year, but aside from the couple I missed because my sight somehow got off by 10" at 30yds, most of my misses were due to misjudging how far away the deer were.

As long as I remember to adjust it for the range I'm shooting, I love it for target shooting. As far as hunting situations go, I'm much more comfortable with a multi-pin sight.
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You'll like the react 5 pin. It was super simple to set up. Just like the advertisements say. The way I did mine was I put it on, shot withe the 40 yard pin at 10 feet to get it close, then sighted in the 20 yard pin, and fine tuned with the 40 yard pin at 40. Took about 15 minutes total including walking to the target after each shot to measure the distance from center point.
I tried a single pin and I agree that they are great for target shooting. If/when I start shooting in target competitions I will have a single pin.
Hoyt Havoctech, Whisker biscuit, cobra pro caliber release, large peep, and a single pin. The release has a set screw that I adjusted to a hair trigger. Same setup for 10 years and works great!
I love my ripcord fall away rest, as far as the sight I don't like the adjustable single pin sights, if you only want one pin sight it in at 30 yds and then figure out how low you need to aim at 20, 10 etc most newer bows are pretty flat out to 30yds.
I shoot and hunt with a traditional 45# Longbow and a 55# Recurve Bear Kodiak Hunter using cedar arrows tipped with Zwickey broadheads ( off hand I forget the style and I think they are 145 or 150 gr. for the Bear bow and 125gr. for the Longbow)
I only hunt archery when I can't draw a tag for deer or Elk for centerfire season. Which seems to happen most uears lately. I love hunting with a bow, but I love hunting with a handgun more. And in my area in Oregon you can only get one deer tag and one elk tag. Bow tags I can buy over the counter for both deer and elk.

2014 Obsession Evolution, Qad hdx rest, Spott Hogg Real Deal 5 pin sight with .10 pins, 3/16 G5 Meta peep, Bstinger sport hunter extreme stabilizer, Scott Sabertooth release, and Easton Hexx 330 arrows. Althought I am becoming a fan of Black Eagle arrows (GA company as is Obsession).

Back up bow, 2013 New Breed Genetix same rest, same sight except 7 pin, and Dead Center Archery stabilizer.
Bowtech Carbon Knight. 72# & 30" draw. Apex sights, Octane Hostage rest. Arrows are Gold Tip 300 spine with 150 grain Muzzys. They weigh about 525 grains each. Its shooting slow (>300 fps) but it hits hard.
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