whats your bow setup???

What's up bud. Not saying I know more than the next guy but worked in a bow shop for little bit.
Here's my setup

Rest: Ripcord- Fall Away rests are the best, the less something is making contact with your arrow the better, but it has to be setup correctly. If you're seeing marks on you fletchings you're making contact.
Sight: HHA (most guys shoot the .19, I like the .10 cause its smaller. I was worried about it not working well in low light being smaller but that's not a factor at all. HHA's are bright.)
Release: Scott
Quiver: Personal preference- it holds arrows
Peep: I don't use rubber and don't recommend it unless its a older bow or a kid. Ask someone that's ever had that tubing slip off or break at full draw what it feels like to be slapped in the face with a piece of tubing tryin to shoot your bow. If you get someone to setup your bow that knows what they're doing, it won't move.
Stabilizer: I shoot an 8" NAP Apache but there again personal preference but I like at least a 6-10
Arrows: Easton Axis 340's with a Badger Broadhead 125gr is a thumping piece of artillery.
Mathews switchback with gold tip arrows and muzzy 125 grain broadheads whisker biscuit and some old 2 pin sight that I've had forever.
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