Who's smart on the odt??

simple, the dollar went to buy either:

1 round of .223
1 round of 9mm
1 round of .45
4 rounds of .22 lr
and so on.......see classifieds, ammunition section for further explaination
After borrowing $100, you used up $97 for the shirt. You returned a dollar to each of your parents, so you owe $98 total. This $98 should correspond to the $97 (for the shirt) plus the $1 that you have with you.
Funny how if you just give your dollar to either your mom or dad then you only owe $97 now, which is the cost of the shirt. Derrrr

There is no missing dollar. You can't add your asset ($1) and liabilities ($98) together because they offset. You have a net worth of $97 ($98 owed to your parents minus $1 in your pocket).
I didn't know walmart sold shirts for $97.00 dollars and if they do shame on ya for paying that much for a stupid shirt! You would have had me with Tacos and beer though!
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