Why I no longer ride motorcycles

Unless you ride….really really ride….you will never know why people do it. I started before I can remember. Was riding street bikes before I was 12yo ….dirt bikes longer than I can remember. Could not wait to get a license at 15 for learners….that allowed me to ride during the day as long as no passengers, and not on the highway but that was good enough ! I rode to school everyday I could, I rode everywhere !
If you ride or have ridden…you know. If you don’t - I got nothing for ya. It is definitely a feeling that is incomparable to anything else sometimes.
I wish I still could ride two wheels. Not being able to walk much anymore the best I will be able to do is three.

Keep on riding !
Good on you brother. It don’t matter if it’s two or three wheels. You still get that same big grin and feeling when you twist that grip. You get them medical issues under control and set your sites on that scoot. Scooter therapy. None better in my opinion.
You deserve some relaxation from all the things you been dealing with.

I hope to see you on the two lane….
Yeah, and everyone is so much more comfortable not wearing a plate carrier. My only point was that survival odds in that (and most) scenarios would be greatly increased in say an F150.
Hell, if we are going to use that argument, then a tractor trailer or kill dozer would be the obvious choices.

Dont forget the F150 Carrie’s about 36 gallons of fuel, that in a wreck like that becomes a different issue.
Hell, if we are going to use that argument, then a tractor trailer or kill dozer would be the obvious choices.

Dont forget the F150 Carrie’s about 36 gallons of fuel, that in a wreck like that becomes a different issue.
And its not so much an argument as a general statement of facts. In general, more protection protects more. Few things are polar, as in "all" this or "every" that. Maybe there is an instance where being a pedestrian could save you from a catastrophe? Odds are pretty good that being surrounded by more layers of protection (cab, body, panels, airbags, belts, seats, bumpers) will protect you more though.
And it’s not so much an argument as a general statement of facts. In general, more protection protects more. Few things are polar, as in "all" this or "every" that. Maybe there is an instance where being a pedestrian could save you from a catastrophe? Odds are pretty good that being surrounded by more layers of protection (cab, body, panels, airbags, belts, seats, bumpers) will protect you more though.
Bubble wrap for all!
If I knew I was going to be involved in a wreck, I’d likely not leave the house. But then I’d probably trip over my own feet. LOL
Bubble wrap for all!
If I knew I was going to be involved in a wreck, I’d likely not leave the house. But then I’d probably trip over my own feet. LOL
Yeah, like I said a bit back. Rode for years. Had a pretty good wreck, flew over a car and slid down the road. Kept riding. Stopped when I had kids. May ride again now that they're grown. Love to ride.
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