WMA hunting

I like the WMA hunts that are 3-4 days at a time. There are some every week during the season. You have to travel some and camp sometimes to do this. I`m in a club ,but I kill most of my deer on WMAs. Most years I get 5.
Hunt long and hard. Be patient, stay still, be quiet. Learn the area you are hunting. Look for draws and pinch points where deer have trails and hunt them. Play the wind and thermals. Find food sources put out trail cameras. Scout a lot in the off season. Keep learning the land. Become a regular on the WMA. Once you put in the work and you know the property like the back of your hand you will start to be more successful on a regular basis.

WMA land is like any other piece of property. The only difference is you can't plant food plots. Any property I hunt I learn liken the back of my hand. Once I learn the property and know every square inch then I know where the deer are, where they go, where they eat, where they bed.

Put in the work and have fun doing it and the reward will be that much more enjoyable!
One of the last times I small game hunted Oaky Woods by Frito Lay I saw 3 deer in about 10 minutes. 2 does spooked and ran right at me and stopped about 10 yards from me and blew at me. A little bit later I was in the same area and another doe ran right past me while I was looking for squirrels. No joke. It would never have happened if I had been deer hunting.
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